Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Monday, December 2, 2019

But Kraus also points out that we can play with our perspectives, and therefore play with our beliefs and reality. Luckily for us, artists play with reality for a living. Kraus writes about Tao Wells, a New Zealand artist who decided to run a farcical PR campaign for the country's welfare system. He aimed to reframe the perception of welfare by explaining it as an eco-conscious choice. Less work means less greenhouse gas emissions, means a healthier planet for us all! Wells plays not only with our perception of welfare, but also exposes how PR spin rules our lives. We believe the stories that we want to believe, and that creates our reality. We already choose to believe that capitalist corporations have our best interests at heart, even though we know they don't, so why can't we see a guaranteed safety net that keeps the victims of capitalism from death as a good thing? Again, perception, belief, reality.

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