Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Historical Handing Over of the Reins of the World to the Worker. April 2020 - Poem


essential workers
in our collective hour of need
if held us to ransom
when we needed them
and this only time, we could all admit it.
Demand a living wage from
the capitalists, Demand a wealthy
wage from the slave owners
ask to be set free from bonds of material poverty.
To be able to choose to work, to be given the dignity of that choice, to serve us,
they'd be good capitalists.

But they're not
they are Democratic Economy Citizens, who passed over their historical handing
of the reins of the world, so we could continue to hurt them
and know it. Enjoy it. Knowing their trained uselessness in the face of abused power.
Scum lords, bankers, greedy rich robotic vampires filled with puss of neglected sores.
Wiping us all out for their brittle egos
The mad, making the insane look harmless, we're only losing the planet.
We let the rich dictate
our reality, our shared reality, when Democracy must push all the way back.
Tax the rich. Write on each of their excessive cars and houses - earth killer
it’s true. Let’s see it.
Send an army of the standing poor to police it
Take the money back empty their profit halls and storage tanks stolen from us.
No more toleration for this wealth fascism.
They are not gods, delivered here from another world, just monkeys with inheritance.
Our collective mind is greater than this. To see the visions of greatness realised; they’ve
had their chance,
charities rape,
business steal
philanthropy is pissing in the wind
We've all taken a step backwards, with capitalism.

work less, consume less
be more

Now the state and Gov. can prove to these, essential workers, that they are right to be
Democratic Citizens
and the world of poverty is eliminated.

- Tao Wells

During the interview - Poem


During the interview

Mr Wells kept up with other work
Two Children were lightly engaged with
in meaningful connections, if not abstract exchanges
interspersed with focused full attention bouncing slowly
from one to the other. For as long as the scene lasts

He also cleaned the toilet,
put away the groceries
planned dinner, some prep
lit a fire,
supervised the creation of an after school platter

Endorsed screen time parameters
supervised content streaming
consultation, nurturing individual expression and curiosity.
Then outside, soccer like games off the hedge in the backyard. Inventing parameters
consequences, rules for maximum enjoyment, squeezed out of so little

Fed himself, gave himself sometime out
worked on a medal
hung up the washing
stoked the fire
listening to carefully selected music and sat in the sun

Notes made,
works planned
Media listened to
Meme’s selected
older ideas, re engaged, edited, taken another step. Some completed

During the interview
With Mr Wells
between 3:15 and 5
hours of discipline and training
pay off with almost effortless efficiency

And I’m called a bludger
I start dinner, listen to the info reports from the war on democracy
and on the democratic economy,
tend to yard play wounds, help
facilitate new play

- T.W

Tao Wells is so glad - Poem

 Tao Wells is so glad
he spent his life, so far
pursuing life liberty
and happiness

Now, not later
not when they say
he’s earned it.
Socialists earned it on earth, A long time ago

Democratic Socialist
snuck it in while you weren’t looking
Why welfare literally scares the be’ jesus out of the rich
Cause then, we’re not your slaves

I’m so glad
I’m not one of those who sacrificed ‘others’
for Capitalism, State Capitalism or
Corporate Capitalism’s: hollow wealth

Cancers have no way
to value the host,
just eats
and dies

now s/he champion
sits in his many empty kingdoms
waiting attack
from the other empty kings

the rot of speculative finance
banks interest
over life
machine us off the face of the planet

forced to drive Israel to another apocalypse
against the wishes of Jews
Christians and Islam
Who among you are holy enough to stay alive, let live?

Children, with the parents of teenagers
not locked into a deal
you can still choose to trust
forgive and bank on shared peace

instead of selling trust and forgiveness
in small pieces to keep the war flame alive
feels like love, blood rains down

when will we run along a beach
under  sun by waters
dawn and dusks horns of glorious retreat

Dead Can Dance - Song Of Sophia

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Democratic Economy, already the crutch holding up capitalism from collapse. Let's just call it done. We are in a Democratic economy now - tw


  • Chrissie Small
    Chrissie Small Simon you need some mental health help. Luckily this govt have increased mental health services for people like you.


    · Reply · 6h

    Simon Hayes
    Simon Hayes So says the insane extreme left. Another tactic you lot use. Phone mr Toofak please.

    Karen thought Jacinda cared. She voted Labour and discovered Socialism is a lie. Don't be a Karen.
    • Wells Tao wrote a poem once that said something about the war slipping off the horizon and into the perpetual daylight of online. Under these hot house conditions, this election's internet battles are set to be, worth taking a lot of psychic distancing from, personally to find the right balance of movement not falling. Good luck to this years new crop and veterans up for the charge. I'll see you at some point or another. This is like the award ceremony at the start of the battle, since so much is already won. Go left, socialists commies, scare the last of the zealot racist biggots screaming for capitalisms queen and country. We don't have to kill them, just make them irrelevant. Trade amongst ourselves, build the qualities and the arguments past the usual fulcrum. Draw out the deep hidden puss within the sores of our communities and expose to the sun light. Let real healing and something real to move to that delivers. Democratic Economy, already the crutch holding up capitalism from collapse. Let's just call it done. We are in a Democratic economy now.
  • Dai Mitchell Jacinda's on the rocks, lots and lots of doctors worldwide are complaining about how fake the corona virus is.
    • Wells Tao I'd expect there to be fake versions, there's more than a buck in it. Difficult to say what is fake and what is not. Trust is a performance. Open for review. But personally I think the idea that there's not a virus that is killing people difficult to agree with. Given my preference to trust the variety of sources i get my info from.
  • Dai Mitchell Wells Tao its easy to see what is fake. a virus that only kills less then 15? and mainly those over 70 with other serious health issues - c'mon this is the biggest pile of bullshit since John key.
  • Wells Tao Dai Mitchell you are not one of my info sources, so I appreciate your skepticism but other than that, you sound uninformed.
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  • Matthew Hatton He's a massive troll.... I left that group because of people like him
    • Wells Tao yes, but also the tip of a tentical desiring to be flipped.

    Saturday, August 15, 2020

    Hamid Zahir : Mali ou Mal Ennas Words of money and people's money مالي و مال الناس

    Words of money and people's money

    My money and people's money..and people's money and money
    When I loved you .. I did not take people's opinion
    Let us in the present .. forget what was
    Do not occupy the mind .. calculate the opinion of the people
    No, they said no, they did not come back .. Do not decrease and increase
    My money and people's money..and people's money and money
    When I loved you .. I didn't take people's opinion


    Stay like that better .. O lily flower
    Advice from my heart .. Leave the sorrow easier
    Let us in the present .. forget what was
    Do not occupy the mind .. calculate the opinion of the people
    No, they said, "No,". No, they did not decrease and increase
    My money and people's money..and people's money and money
    When I loved you .. I didn't take people's opinion


    If we lived what we lived .. we are afraid and regret
    Whoever holds us accountable ... The answer is more difficult
    Let us in the present .. forget what was
    Do not occupy the mind .. calculate the opinion of the people
    No, they said, "No, they came back."
    My money and people's money..and people's money and money
    When I loved you .. I didn't take people's opinion

    "Wells is a permanent member of the community he interacts with. " - Chris Kraus. The Happy Beneficiary, Tao Wells. Social Practices. Semiotext(e) Active Agents Series. 2018

    Except, I left NY to come back to NZ to go a few rounds. It was 1999 and I was ready to see what I could do. As a (Nrth) American made New Zealander, Pākehā manuhiri. Three years later I'd found Enjoy Contemporary Art Gallery.

    And my own practice had divided an entire Fine Arts Academic Staff. A sport where I played no victim, no innocence all transparent practice. Visible maneuvers on a very limited board. I played at being powers equal. 

    People talking to people, isolated by perspective and access, through society trumpets, mechanisms of mass movement symbolisation. Feelings crystalised into economic structural architecture. Songs to say something.

    Both the listening and the saying must be enjoyed. Delirious ineffortlessness. 

    NY was small time for me. A lot (_) of misdirected effort to finally be let into a small room full of all the children who ran away from small towns to sit in a small room. Where I was suppose to be impressed by the address, the proximity to the park. I liked the park, but as a NZer, it was like someones back yard, it's not a park. No mountains, Forests bush, rivers and cliffs. 

    That was 20 years ago, I returned to where I felt I could choose a fresh path and not one that had already been traveled by a million before me. here in NZ i could feel the gaps, where the nets ran thin and then completely out. Spaces of untrapped isness, you can be swallowed by or swallow, either way, when I think of these times, the Te Reo that I would hear, in these places, the voices, the ways in which it made me feel. What I think I was told. The details I felt were so important, that meant something to me. Told me a story, some mainframe, still accessible.  Nature scares the shit out of me now, it majestic power now a suicidal maniacs hollow laugh, as they push on through to the other side, knowing completely that there truly was no one and nothing here for them, that was interested in connecting to them. They did not exist. Just the laugh to pass on through. 

    I say this because this I want to do an art work, that has scared the shit out of me for four years. I've wanted to do it. I've wanted to so badly. I'd start and stop. Start and stop. Meeting indifference and barriers, prejudice and confusion. Scared everywhere, scars, tiredness. I resolved that I was not in the right mind to attempt such a work just then. That I would have to work towards it. Become ready, feel the arguments inside me as natural as my own blood. Have the responses the cleverness of what I wanted to say and do, down before I leapt. I now believe that I may be ready. The tipping point, having just been purchased in a can of coke, not thirty minutes ago. 

    Coke. Kuia

    Share a Coke with Kuia

    That's what it said. And I feel that this gives me a certain right to engage with Te Reo Māori from a Pakeha's point of view, and one that would like the expression of te reo to be far more equal than it currently is. Not for the novelty, but for the connection the language has with the spirit of this land. The way it describes a living connection to the life here on these hills, and seas. This living connection is what I believe at it's most abstract, is a positive healing force that is missing mostly from European, or just English speaking people. Not that english is particularly dead, I feel it is recognized for it's somewhat neutral like qualities, this perhaps existential aloofness has been raped cleanly by capitalism.

    The work I want to do, is a plein air painting, performance, with a video, of me at dusk standing in the fjord, in front of a large frame of white stretched and sewn bed sheets, where I carve out the word PIOPIOTAHI, with a stick and paint the name of what is also called Milford Sounds. It's not great controversy, but it should be, that Dunedin and the south island in general seem about ten to twenty years behind what I've experienced in general in te Ika a Maui. This particular phenomenon particularly stung me. As Piopiotahi is a sacred place to me, part of my own childhood mythology, a site of pilgrimage and the focus of earlier art works. Homers tunnel, and the story that I think I have heard but cannot verify about Maui's father, returning as a bird to this place, to die mourning for his son. Lamenting the mistake he made. 

    I am a son who has had to leave his father. I am father who wishes to speak to a new father. But through a willingness to engage with the fabric of democracy as a language of access, permission to speak.  Te Reo Maori is an official legal language, with English and Sign language. I'm not free to abuse any of these, I can engage with them. It should be allowed, encouraged and it is. Mistakes will be made and developed on from. This issue has been in the last four years a topic of regular disasters, from polarized moko opinions, to the use of te reo by corporates and private businesses, cashing in on culture. I work for the state, for now. I volunteer my time, when I am not looking for full time work, to the democracy that pays for the roof over my head, food in my belly, warmth on my skin. It's all rather dull and obvious really. Basic nuts and bolts. But the architecture is in the sky, and the theory must eventually be tested, fail or no fail. Who will do it. Who wants to. 

    If you live in the Dunedin area-ish, and happen to be keen to help me do this painting, shoot video, pictures, probably around 20 hours in one total span. Profit shared 50/50. Please contact 027 825 0088

    Underworld - Dirty Epic

    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Shit Under Fingernails - Chewy Dangerous Dates - Bandcamp Album Release -

    Naked Lunch Soundtrack - Howard Shore - Ornette Coleman - The London Phi...

    He's not selling you anything. Tao Wells, 2019. Sculpture.

    • Mark Amery you can! we can! he can! she can! It is the beauty of Tao's sculpture that they make us feel that. Thats the smell of capitalism dying!
      • Wells Tao Thanks Mark, yes I like to harness that feeling of "I could do that" so often used in a negative with art, I think it's an egalitarian invitation. Personally I'm not looking for the death of capitalism, no socialist wants that ghost hovering haunting, but yes I do want to encourage the ease in which socialist thought exists, the availability of socialist materials and to compete with capitalist art, for the ability to spend profit.
    • Mark Amery Wells Tao nicely put. Keep with it, its a great thread through your practice

    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    "Nature is not a balanced totality that then we humans disturb, Nature is a big series of unimaginable catastrophies" - Slavoj Zizek

    " We should develop I think, a much more terrifying new abstract materialism. Kind of a mathematical universe, there is nothing, just formulas, technical forms and so on. The difficult thing is to find, poetry, spirituality, in this dimension. To recreate, if not beauty, then aesthetic dimension, in things like this, trash itself. That is the true love of the world. Because what is love, love is not idealization,.. love means you accept a person, ... you see perfection in imperfection itself. That's how we should see the world. A true ecologist loves all this (point at trash). " - SZ

    How many people out there use to make art, but over time with a lack of support or interest in showing your work, just stopped making it. - tw


    • How many people out there use to make art, but over time with a lack of support or interest in showing your work, just stopped making it. - tw

      • Barry Thomas Making art isn't the issue... The world has too much junk anyway..

        The key is valuing it's purpose.
      • Wells Tao perpetuating capitalism' shit Barry. For all your effort, in my book that's all you've done.
    • Wells Tao not just you, of course.
    • Jarad Bryant It may be that value is priceless and has no conception of finance.
    • Write a reply...

    • Jody Branson yes - music
      • Wells Tao but you just did a kids album no? It looked pretty good, 'success' orientated.
    • Jody Branson Wells Tao - that took 4 years to get around to completing. i gave up many times, then forced myself to finish it, for the sake of my daughter [as a testament of my love for her]. It was an extremely mentally painful project to complete - due to lack of desire from the pain caused by lack of success
    • Wells Tao Jody Branson whoa, I know that pain. fucking sucks
    • Wells Tao caught between practice that exists and an audience that doesn't
    • Jody Branson Wells Tao - it's so crippling. and takes all the joy out of the thing that's supposed to be the thing that gives us the most joy
    • Wells Tao Jody Branson yes. If I may, what we have in common if I refer to your earlier work, and perhaps a general nature about ur self, is the intellectual criticism your work delivers to a leadership culture determined to be thick and defensive.
    • Wells Tao when what we are representing, articulating, are 'tips of cultural icebergs' that are being actively repressed and denied in a society. Where those keeping us out personally benefit from doing so.
    • Wells Tao I mean of course my work can also just suck. But I'm speaking just generally about what I see looking around. There's this going on.
    • Wells Tao I make the point that those paid to be critics and societies conscience, University employees, don't do this. Prop up capitalism and its perks, then promote the idea that criticism is shit, too hard and not really needed. Convenient eh
      • Jody Branson Wells Tao - agreed. there's no incentive for the industry to have me be popular, as essentially, the deeper message in most of my ideas is self empowerment, and the destruction of the pyramid.
      • Wells Tao Jody Branson there it is. Democratic art in a democracy hunted down by delusional capitalists as good practice. I get a lot of that, right here.

    • Timothy McMullen Define "art".
    • Wells Tao Art is the appearance of something and the economics behind it.
    • Wells Tao you have to quote me on that one.
    • Jarad Bryant Art is simply a hormonal biological process like most human endeavours and experiences.
    • Wells Tao Jarad Bryant my def. seems better to me
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    • Chloe Ann King If wasn't lack of interest for me but more lack of time and the space to make art. I ended up also landing alot of paid writing work which was easier to understand take and got my message out alot quicker. But I wonna go back into making art again, and I'm developing an idea for a show.
      • Wells Tao please bring your economics into it some how.
    • Wells Tao that would be fascinating
    • Wells Tao and, I think, a great hook
    • Wells Tao the idea of 'going back into making art' sounds like a horror story to me, when you are already ahead of it, why would you go back! it's the art you are already making that just needs a bit of perspective, a reframe.
    • Chloe Ann King I'm not making art atm hence going back into it, that doesn't feel or sound like a horror story personally for me.
    • Wells Tao Chloe Ann King , the idea of 'going back'... do you catch my drift? as if it was not already what you were really doing, and but the fantasy of this 'else' is so strong.. you have to go 'back to it'... sorry I'm just reading my own projection into this!