Riki Hope
the sad thing about it is that the coroporations and government will end up controlling it all and make all the money. Hundreds of communtities around nz will suffer from this. we all know politicians promises. Business is Business and when big buck are to be made corporate interests take over.
Nandor Tanczos
you need to read the bill. It isn't about what politicians promise, its about what the bill says.
Clause 83 - a cannabis conviction not a hindrance to getting a license
Clause 88 "In assessing an application for a cannabis distribution licence, the Authority must—(a) prioritise, where practicable, not-for-profit applicants that can demonstrate a commitment to delivering social benefit to the community or communities in which the applicant intends to operate"
Clause 92 (1)(3) no one can have more that 20% of the market (NB for alcohol 2 breweries hold around 80%)
Clause 22 - a proportion of licenses set aside for small operators
Clause 85 "Additional criteria for assessing cannabis production licence applications:
(1) In assessing an application for a cannabis production licence with a cultivation activity authorisation or a micro-cultivation activity authorisation, the Authority must have regard to the factors set out in subsection (2) or (3) for the activity authorisation sought.
(2) For a cultivation activity authorisation, the factors are the degree to which the application will achieve the following principles:
(a) representing or partnering with communities disproportionately harmed by cannabis, including Māori and people from economically deprived areas:
(b) the generation of social benefit and building of community partnerships by engagement with individuals, whānau, and communities in the design and delivery of their activities:
(c) the promotion of employment opportunities and career pathways in the cannabis industry for Māori and those from economically deprived areas.
I find this election/referendum (c.2020rdg) problematic = THC/Cannabis & Euthanasia put together seem a slippery slope to alienated human sacrifice pyramid trope. De'facto in'situ medicated anti-gangs & state murder of general population ("from womb to tomb" = fluoride stares & sleepy sleep for grandma ambient death politics)
ReplyDelete... AND I feel let down by the Green party! #TheMostJustifiedExclamationPointInHistory