- dtrnoSspeo511mu9f7401u5g2114hc2f6331t38m8960mmtthu9h4lhcl14aShared with Publicpretty sure wearing a mask is international for fascist follower
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Dale ShockPlease explain your thought process that leads you to this conclusion. This seems to be an incredulous statement.Wells TaoPlease examine above, like a grown up. You've been warned, oh wait you haven't, this is a mental health exercise, and not recommended for everyone (though of course it is, but only when you are ready).
Wells Tao
Rob pick a fight with someone else
Wells Tao
and for the record I've lived for periods of time in Asia, Taiwan and Korea,
Hand washing helped a bit
Masks in hospital
Masks, no evidence they work
Washington Post LIES And Says Masks Work
Rob Mayes
better than this statement, but then, I live in a fascist state that
implements eternal lockdowns, no wait, that didn't happen where I am.
Rob Mayes
it to the experts? hmmm, that hasn't worked out very well has it. Show
me the credentials, better still show me the workings and I'll figure it
out for myself.
Lily Stuit
Let’s look at “the science” https://www.frontiersin.org/.../fpubh.2023.1125150/full
and clinical consequences of wearing face masks—Systematic review with
meta-analysis and comprehensive evaluation
Rob Mayes
Lily Stuit Straight off they're general and inspecific
"Discussion: Masks interfered with O2-uptake and CO2-release and compromised respiratory compensation."
What masks. Which ones are they trialing?
How were they worn, ie effectively or casually?
Were they used in conjunction with other measures? ie don't walk into the middle of an ocean and say this raincoat doesn't work.
not include information from other societies that have had facemask
protocol in winter as a normal and functional part of social norm.
leave these factors out just makes it look like they're confirmation
biasing. ie they're looking to prove the point they want rather than
letting the data prove the point that is.
Wells Tao
Rob Mayes
"From the above facts, we conclude that a mask requirement must be
reconsidered in a strictly scientific way without any political
interference as well as from a humanitarian and ethical point of view.
There is an urgent need to balance adverse mask effects with their
anticipated efficacy against viral transmission. In the absence of
strong empirical evidence of mask effectiveness, mask wearing should not
be mandated let alone enforced by law." - how reasonable
Rob Mayes
Wells Tao
absolutely, it should be an informed choice like everything. My
contention is with the level of factual consideration given to the whole
we really don't get any insight into the many factors involved (is there a difference in mask type and
mask usage? not according to this study. are there advances that could
be made to air filtration that could make it better at doing the job and
less invasive. Not mentioned in this study at all. Let's have some info
on how viral load impacts the equation.
How does airflow impact success rate?
Social stigma?
about some data from countries that have been using them routinely for
decades, surely there's some data on how it's given everyone brain
Anything at all
would be great but it's not here in this study cos it obviously has one
aim. to discredit any worth in filtration of exhaled air. I've yet to
see a study that addresses any of the points I've raised. Happy to have
it proved one way or another. I have no investment in it. Just that my
personal experience and observations contradict the narrative presented
Wells Tao
cool, your personal experience vs mine. I love that it works for you, I
really do. But it doesn't for me, and it doesn't for the people I see
sufering wearing it. It's also the shear nuts of it, wearing a mask I
smell a fart, I'm eating that shit... masks do did
not stops shit. So yeah I"M SKEPTICAL, yes I do get the idea of long
pants offering a bit of cover from being pissed on the leg, but it is
not stopping infection. And whoa there are a whole lot of people that
aren't me who seem to be scientists who are saying that we should be
Wells Tao
then there is the need to believe it works, and that those that aren't
are endangering our health, this narrative has been heavily invested in,
and yet the science has barely been established. Doctor masks are
simply not designed to stop air born viruses, never
were... but as symbols of polite care, they drive home a behavior that
could be actually masking/ obscuring what really is effective practice,
and what is not. i.e it appears that washing hands was significantly
effective, wearing masks not so.
Rob Mayes
Wells Tao
I agree, it hasn't worked for wider western society. It's a categorical
failure, as were many other aspects of the response, leading to the
catastrophic failure and most everyone in the country contracting it. No
argument there. The way it was implemented and the
lack of informed consent and lack of getting everyone on board and
understanding how it 'could' work, failure. And I would agree with you
that it was failure at a govt level that they let down the country by
taking shonky unproven advice, did not see their failure and make
adjustments to account for the social push back. Kiwi govt didn't
understand kiwi population. chaos ensues.
that still doesn't discredit the concept of filtering the main path to
spread of the virus. it just proves that the way it was done was deeply
I, like you
have not seen clinical tests on the efficacy of masks and their design,
and really we should have by now, so I won't be making judgement calls
on how they work until I see that effectively established, and it's
insane that we haven't had this material well presented to us or that
there haven't been studies done even, or, that there have been very few
advancements in an obvious weak point in the virus's spread. it's the
obvious place to stop it. why wasn't 50 billion put into that. we could
have had air cooled wifi equipped colour of your choice fits in your
mouth devices by now. but, instead we've got arguments over how they
function. insanity.
Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures
Rob Mayes
Wells Tao
I don't think you or I have the scientific understanding to make any
call on how masks do or don't work on a technical level. (on a social
level yes because we've seen them not work in western societies).
I have read that viral load is an important
factor. ie how big are the globs it travels in. The virus is very
small, true, but allegedly the virus doesn't travel as individual dry
single cells floating on the win like dust, it travels in exhaled globs
from a wet interior (the lungs and throat) and it's projected into the
air on exhale, and critically cough, which obviously allows it to travel
further if unimpeded by a mask. It's not a gas either so the fart
analogy doesn't hold true, even if it is funny.
there's a lot to consider there and it's something you'd think really
could and should have been establishing in lab tests by now.
my limited knowledge of science (High School and Uni level) I know
there are a lot of factors to consider. Those factors have to be tested
and considered before you can make blanket generalisations and I haven't
seen an article or program on them (how the virus distributes itself)
being undertaken, which just seems crazy. How can you address the enemy
if you don't know how it moves?
Wells Tao
we've been lied directly to our innocent faces by our gov. by
scientists they've used to justify vaccines, with a shit record of a
serious adverse event 1, in every 800 vaxs. How can you stand to believe
that your gov. science endorsed mask has anything to do with health safety. Yeah I'm skeptical
Lily Stuit
admit, masks are useful when dealing with dust, dander, and the like,
if you have those allergies... they're good if you're an actual surgeon,
or work with noxious materials... otherwise, nah, not buying it, never
bought it. it's just DUMB.
Wells Tao
to go down a related tangent but this guy is quoting the UK gov's own
data: to prevent 1 case of covid going to hospital in the 50 to 59 age
range 43,600 people need to have a booster. with 1 in 800 having a
serious adverse event, 55 people will die or be put into hospital. This is seriously nuts bud.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvSHD_n3Lyg
Vaccination problems, UK Parliament
Wells Tao
Rob Mayes
I guess you are arguing degree's, if it helps a little, then why not...
makes sense. Only beyond myth, I'm not seeing that it helps, I'm seeing
it hurt and it hurts with the idea that it's helping! All that trust
and faith, abused is used against the few that
actually want to see the science first, and not just one study or two..
I'm shocked that any studies have been done or have made it as far as in
to my hands, given the intensity of any public back lash (see Jack
Brazil response for the standard ) towards anyone daring to question the
story. I get accused of being a radical poser who questions cause it's
cool, it is not cool! IT fucking sucks, I would much rather shut up, but
my conscience will not let me. You are defending masks, you are
defended, the F'n gov is on your side. Why so defensive? Cause you know
it's bullshit, you just want me and my benevolent smarts to convince you
like a good parent would what is right. Well I CANT precisely because
i've been parentalized as you've been infantilized! AH ha
Jack Brazil
I make pragmatic decisions about wearing a mask to avoid catching covid
for a 4th time .. like if I’m in a plane, busy places, or going places
where i don’t need to share breathing space. I trust the science on this
eh .. not gonna wade into the who is a fascist chat aside from saying it’s usually people who don’t care about anyone beyond their immediate circle
Wells Tao
Jack Brazil yeah tough to go with the flow, and cheers for the passive agressive smack down, I'd expect nothing less
Jack Brazil
Wells Tao
when I get covid, it completely debilitates me. I have a heart
condition so viruses hit me hard. For other people I know, it killed
them. So when I see comments like the ones you’re making above I’m gonna
be frank and honest. Please don’t project on to me. Pō marie e hoa
Wells Tao
Jack Brazil wow you are so righteous it's like vomit.
Wells Tao
please comment more on something you clearly do not understand
Edward Vanson
What about Zorro
Wells Tao
freedom fighter, lover, all good with me
Edward Vanson
More importantly, Wesley!
Wells Tao
what's a Wesley?
Zuben Weeds
This is still the best study of Face Masks. It is a meta study - a study of all the research - 1946-2018
Published in 2020
RCT means [complete] randomised control trial - the Gold Standard.
our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of
the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed
influenza virus infections in the community from literature published
during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant
reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78,
95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25)
Anyone who claims that wearing a face mask can stop transmission or infection is obviously not aware or interested in science.
Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures
Wells Tao
you. And yet, freedom sprouting loving radicals like Jack Brazil have
the gonads to shout me down as a uncaring killer! Rob Mayes does the
liking! You guys are about as interested in open discussion free speech
as a wound up fascist is having a debate! Can you see that? Can you see your own thugery.
Zuben Weeds
Wells Tao
Strange times we have to bear witness. I now just have a little
chuckle at folk who persist with wearing unhygienic 'face nappies'.
An uncaring killer will recommend forced mRNA injections
Wells Tao
Wells Tao
this is a mental health exercise and not recommended for everyone (though actually it is, but only when you'r ready).
Zuben Weeds
If masks were so effective, why did we need isolation, lockdowns and mRNA injections?????????????????
Wear a mask an everything be fine
Wells Tao
It bugs me that masking was never about health/safety, that it's about COMPLIANCE and obedience to a narrative, a story
Wells Tao
Zuben Weeds
and then there's the, "but it all helps" what ever it takes to stop
swamping the hospitals! 1 in 800 vax's = adverse event, what excess
Wells Tao
was never about health/safety, that it's about COMPLIANCE and obedience
to a narrative, a story" - it's fucking spooky that I remember hearing
phrases like this years ago and remember reacting violently internally,
super instant angry, like I was triggered to a state of consciousness
akin to waking amid a bout of cognitive dissonance, since the shock was
then as it is now, I agree that this is about obedience to something
that I am being asked to believe and trust without being given the
opportunity to debate, question and challenge what I am being asked to
believe and trust. But the fact was I had chosed to obey, on the basis
of, if I didn't if I didn't get vaccinated, stay home, wear a mask, I
would be spreading the virus, I would be killing people. This bottom
line, is eradicated by the brutal facts that to prevent 1 case of covid
going to hospital in the 50 to 59 age range 43,600 people need to have a
booster. with 1 in 800 having a serious adverse event, 55 people will
die or be put into hospital. That's 55 other wise healthy people taken
out. SO NUTS
And the stats get worse...
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