Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Another Spring - "because this whole world has been fine with me". "They walk with out a sound, the despearte ones, just like the tip toe moth who burn their hands in the flames that burn their hands so much death is just a name, and if love call as again, they run with out a sound, the desperate ones. I know the road their on i've walked that corkked mile a hiundred times, I've drunk their cup of bile, they watch their dreams go down behind the steeting sun, yeah yeah yeah , they walk with out a sound, the desperate ones, let he who throws a stone at them stand up and take a bow, he knows the verb to love, but will never never know how, on a bridge they disapear one by one. the water is sweet and deep, Jounreys end, land of endless sleep. Their cry of help we think is all in fun, they cry with out a sound, they disapeear with out a sound, they walk with out a sound cry with out a sound, yeah yeah yeah the despearte ones....

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