- James Robinson christ - just see if they can define compassion!
- Greg Giles every time National take control of Parliament their very first batch of laws is punitive social welfare against solo mothers, every single Government since Muldoon. Im happy to be proved wrong.
- James Robinson Greg Giles i believe you - i lived as a child in australia when my parents fled muldoon, i came back though - too many australians ;)
- Greg Giles James Robinson I had just started working for Central Waikatio Electric Power board as a labourer, its was good $ at the time. When Muldoons wage freeze lifted it jumped up.
- James Robinson wow!
- Jarad Bryant Greg Giles Labour just rushed through a bill that enables a dictatorship controlled by one of two people for up to two years. What next forced vaccination? Labour also ushered in Neo-Liberalism under David Lange in 1984.
Its not always a simple matter to assess moral high grounds.
Left and right is just two wings of the same bird. Both likley working for global interests and offshore entities. As if Labour or National will oppose Agenda 2030. - Wells Tao Jarad Bryant the paint don't often show the whole picture bud. Just picking a side for eloquence sake,
- Jarad Bryant I dont pick politics... I pick paintings
- Wells Tao Jarad Bryant politics picks you
- Jarad Bryant No it doesn’t.
- Wells Tao Jarad Bryant denial everything
- Jarad Bryant Awareness of myth is not denial.
- Wells Tao Jarad Bryant you'r in the myth pitching it
- Murray Kilpatrick Jarad Bryant the three Roger stooges were right wing implants into the Labour Party. They were never really part of the movement. They went in to form an extreme right wing party. Leopards don't change their spots.
- Jarad Bryant Wells Tao I’m speaking for myself
- Wells Tao Jarad Bryant who are you
- Jarad Bryant Conspiracy theories are interesting. David Lange a right wing implant?
Now who is Ardern implanted by? Why would she rush through a bill enabling a dictatorship?
Maybe that’s in keeping with her totalitarian base ideologies? Or just to signal to the UN And Co that she’s their obedient lapdog? - Jarad Bryant Allegiance is a fickle thing.
- Wells Tao Jarad Bryant words are fickle then bullets, narratives are sold, bought and changed. All thoughts struggling to be received, each one asking 'am I the right one?" No body knows, everyone knows...
- Mick McCrohon Isn't bailing out the banks etc. corporate socialism?
- Wells Tao Is it?
- Lorina Stacey Schwenke They don’t have a Fkn clue!!! Every western democracy has capitalism and socialism... NZ ranks in the top 10 for capitalist freedom... and capitalism in NZ under John key fkd NZ forever
- Greg Giles only until we repay the debt of his Knighthood, its all he ever wanted. At least Max is no longer news as some NZ prince,
- Greg Giles actually we rate in top five for democracy, and top in the world for Businesses.
- Wells Tao Greg Giles we're so good
- Lorina Stacey Schwenke Wells Tao what is democracy... we are all in communist countries with an illusion of democracy...
- Wells Tao Lorina Stacey Schwenke it can certainly do with a lot of development, but I acknowledge what I see already existing, and pay tribute to the work my people have put in to just be the best you can make of it
- Wells Tao That is, from the perspective of one of currently, 50k+ New Zealand Paid Socialist, democratic socialist, Democratic economy beneficiary, receiver of collected collective wealth, taxes from poor people spent on poor people, decision decided by democracy, welfare for the poor not for the rich, get capitalists out of welfare. Collect the rich's contribution to our collective decision. Pass Capitalist ecocide, with readiness to recognize the Socialism that already exists, prepare to not defend but move forward, mass on the steps above, not below. Move change into the physical manifestation of a less consumption world.
- Wells Tao Lorina Stacey Schwenke totally interesting concept that the right and left radicals are I think identifying in the states show of economic power, propping up capitalism, would be great for more detail from 'them' about this definition of communism. Could I ask you?
- Lorina Stacey Schwenke Wells Tao school is communism ... son go to school 9-3 eat lunch at 12.. pee when you put your hand up ... wear shoes and a uniform .. but dad they mum them school doesn’t suit me between those hours .. I want to wake up whenever I want and go to schoo…See More
- Wells Tao Lorina Stacey Schwenke every time you say communism I see capitalism. It's the lack of access to change that is capitalism. You can have a hundred different styles of tennis shoe, but you can't change the way or reason it is made. Historical communism, has more recently been called centralized or State Capitalism.
- Lorina Stacey Schwenke Wells Tao I see it as all 3 Working side by side ... communism capitalism and socialism.... we still being dictated to...
- Wells Tao Lorina Stacey Schwenke it's to the degree that you can be heard over the dictating to, collect and galvanize around the victories, even have access to their happening. The 'foe' will change but the practice must start already, must already be happening.
- Lorina Stacey Schwenke Wells Tao a school uniform is communism it’s about uniformity .. but it’s also capitalism.. especially if it’s a private school... but it’s also socialism because every school gets government funding .... and it’s a democracy because you choose some of your subjects and what you eat ... but it’s also communism because you are told you are zoned for that school you are being told that living in a low decile area means you go to that school even though you want to go to a different one .. but then you apply for one out of zone as part of a democracy... if you’re smart it’s capitalism ... if you’re poor and it’s filling a quota it’s socialism...
- Wells Tao Lorina Stacey Schwenke and suits?
- Wells Tao sports teams?
- Wells Tao Soldiers?
- Wells Tao Schools get government funding because that is what we have voted for.
- Wells Tao The Zone system is fucked up. But that is something that democracy should address, capitalism already profits from it.
- Lorina Stacey Schwenke Wells Tao it’s communism because Serena Williams wanted to wear a different tennis outfit and wasn’t allowed ... it’s capitalism because Nike is her sponsor and she draws a large crowd .. it’s socialism because the low wage workers are having their incomes supplemented .. the government also gave them tax breaks ... capitalist socialism...
- Wells Tao it is confusing, there's profit to be made in the confusion. It's an effort to be clear, the profit as a socialist is to know it.
- Duane Zarakov socialism is a joint rolled in toilet paper
- Duane Zarakov who will smoke this socialism with me
- Duane Zarakov they say it's a gateway drug ya know
- Wells Tao Duane Zarakov "who will smoke this socialism with me" now that's a campaign trail
- Duane Zarakov smokin' socialism
- Murray Kilpatrick Duane Zarakov right tell me objectively what you understand about right and left wing philosophy. Yes I saw your Facebook page.
- Duane Zarakov how long have you got
- Duane Zarakov how long have i got
- Duane Zarakov no i didn't look at your facebook page
- Duane Zarakov i hope you enjoyed my photographs of shopping trolleys
- Bruce Hudson What will increase the popularity of the far right is if the can gaslight the centre left or left into defending itself.
The falsely stating of clear divisions are the enemy. Countries are a blend, a hybrid. Capitalism exists in the most communistic countries in the form of black markets. Socialism exists everywhere governments produce public roads and parks. - Wells Tao Define socialism
- Doug C T Thomas According to Russian communist friend of mine & hard core he defines socialism as communism without balls...but he adds, they're useful idiots.
- Doug C T Thomas In theory socialism is to look after the people with housing, food, work etc but in reality it only looks after the ruling elite & their allies.
- Wells Tao Doug C T Thomas well you are describing criticism of the current practice of Socialism. But this argument confuses the issue by suggesting that there isn't socialism already for the poor. There is, it just needs a lot of improvements. The argument needs to shut down meme's that are digging around cancelling frames, and assert the view that democratic socialism is already in existence, what's new.
- Doug C T Thomas is there such a thing as democratic socialism...great well meaning words but in practice?
- Wells Tao Doug C T Thomas I think it's no surprise that it's existence is doubted, thwarted and confused, capitalism being the dominator of info systems and content, but hey, here i am one of 50k receivers of wealth from a Democratic Economy, when the worker decides by democracy how to spend the profit, then that's Socialism.
- Iain Whitaker And dont forget to remind them that we are living in a socialist country where wealth is redistributed to sustain and stumulate the economy. Most if not all small businesses have benefited from redistribution and government support in some form and none so much as through covid
- Wells Tao ""...stimulate the economy" - yes a democratic economy, our wealth has been spent on maintaining capitalist private wealth, this is as if Israel demonstrated a love larger than fighting, and gave Palestine what it wanted and let Palestine find out what that was as well. This incredible generosity IS REAL. Done. So what is to be made of collective wealth to be used to prop up the "1%"? FUCK THAT... yeah perhaps... if you are going to go the market place, the 'economy' and you are funded by the government to survive, you should respect the deal and practice democracy in your business. Which means change your operating structure from a boss/ owner lead biz, to a workers one. Where the worker employ the boss, not the other way round. We should see relationships, private and public be able to declare themselves visibly not capitalist. Choice in the marketplace, from organic to industrial is able to be made.
- Iain Whitaker Wells Tao still a lot of work to do and ironically it is the poorest among us who cry over "agenda 21" as if it is created to destroy them
- Wells Tao Iain Whitaker again, I'd half to ask you to present your perspective of Agenda 21 and sources, as this as I've briefly skimmed through. it does have an enormously contrasting set of perspectives.
- Wells Tao Iain Whitaker yay, we are on the same page
Iain Whitaker Wells Tao basically what Jacinda laid out in her wellbeing budget is my take on it. Which is of course very basic and not all of it but addresses what we are covering. But going back to my original comment when people holler and scream murder over "socialism" they need to have it pointed out that they are all part of, contributors to and benefactors of a socialist system which redistributes wealth. This government is trying to strengthen the system to be more fair. I want to add that those who scream about socialism are usualyy the very ones who use everybody elses money including public funds as "incentives" to make money for themselves which obviously includes those 1% you mention where a system has been built to socialise debt privatise profit and give tax relief under the pretense of "trickle down"- Wells Tao omph
- Stephen Gallagher And, in some cases , ask them to spell it...
- Wells Tao could be distracting and a Ad hominem, though
- Rachel Claire They can't. They don't know what it is. I had a discussion with someone recently who wasn't able to give a reason why they voted National
Any right wing National type comes at ya saying "Socialism is evil etc etc..", Ask them to define Socialism
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