Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Friday, November 5, 2021

Anon. So - 6h · So - if the rich are made to pay taxes regularly at a significant rate, at some point they will cease being rich. What then? Will the nature of wealth transform?m


6h ·
So - if the rich are made to pay taxes regularly at a significant rate, at some point they will cease being rich. What then? Will the nature of wealth transform? Or will Government, the tax collector, have become mega-wealthy? Because redistribution of the wealth carries the significant risk that the wealth will be redistributed to the wrong people. politicians will consider themselves to be the best gatekeepers of the wealth, right? Oh! Wait a minute. Isn't that how it works now? Gosh. This is more complicated than I thought.
Wells Tao
at some point? they will cease being rich? What would that really look like, is that really possible, I mean how long are we talking, I mean some forms of privledge are like like skin coulour eh.. so
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· 3m
Wells Tao
yes! The significant signifier there is the foundational emphaisis of risk, that is the trust one endows to the participant of choice in a democaricy. Hence the whole learning thing being an important democratic foundation seriously wiped out be capitalist debt vampires and their zombie rich.
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· 1m
Wells Tao
If we voted for it, we change it's nappy while it gives us the shit that we didn't ask for, fire torches and marches are more my thing, where the tree people hippy the square bourgise and we join a new militia to take on the local developer, cause fuck man we stopped them one time.. this is how we do it again. Again like it's not over.. with out end brother.
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· 1m

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