Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Monday, August 17, 2020

Tao Wells is so glad - Poem

 Tao Wells is so glad
he spent his life, so far
pursuing life liberty
and happiness

Now, not later
not when they say
he’s earned it.
Socialists earned it on earth, A long time ago

Democratic Socialist
snuck it in while you weren’t looking
Why welfare literally scares the be’ jesus out of the rich
Cause then, we’re not your slaves

I’m so glad
I’m not one of those who sacrificed ‘others’
for Capitalism, State Capitalism or
Corporate Capitalism’s: hollow wealth

Cancers have no way
to value the host,
just eats
and dies

now s/he champion
sits in his many empty kingdoms
waiting attack
from the other empty kings

the rot of speculative finance
banks interest
over life
machine us off the face of the planet

forced to drive Israel to another apocalypse
against the wishes of Jews
Christians and Islam
Who among you are holy enough to stay alive, let live?

Children, with the parents of teenagers
not locked into a deal
you can still choose to trust
forgive and bank on shared peace

instead of selling trust and forgiveness
in small pieces to keep the war flame alive
feels like love, blood rains down

when will we run along a beach
under  sun by waters
dawn and dusks horns of glorious retreat

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