Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Friday, August 7, 2020

Battle with Banksy fans - " (Banksy) Perpetuating the status quo, by not practicing an economy that can differentiate itself from capitalism" - tw


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    Perpetuating the status quo, by not practicing an economy that can differentiate itself from capitalism

    Image may contain: text that says 'BANKSY STILLA CAPITALIST'
  • Robert Currie Wait what
    • Robert Currie Socialist art tutor - okay maybe he just teaches people for free

      Public welfare artist - would your critique of banksy than not also apply to you???
  • Bridgette Georgette Hill Robert
    Is this joke of a human just trying to out non capitalsm Banksy and get recognition they think they deserve?
  • Robert Currie I honestly have no idea....

    Maybe they are just jaded from being a part of the art world and realized how completely capitalistic and vapid it can be
  • Wells Tao Robert Currie I'm drawing a line. All those perpetuating capitalism on one side. Those practicing a socialist economy, visibly to the public, on the other. As a Public Welfare Artist, for now, some of you will understand where I stand. bon appétit
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  • Ernest Dudley Turner V He doesn’t even sell his art, you brick. Also, this “artists are capitalists” because they sell their labor is just wrong. Stop falsely equivocating laborers to the capitalists profiting off their labor. Artists ≠ art dealers. Someone like Banksy, not a capitalist. Someone like Alfred Stieglitz, definitely a capitalist.
  • Thomas L. Townsend You know us artists still have to eat right?
  • Pavel A How is he supposed to "practice an economy" that differentiates itself from capitalism in the midst of capitalism? This is roughly equivalent to "you criticize capitalism, but you use a cellphone" argument.
    • Robert Currie I think his argument was co-ops but..... banksy is an individual.... not an org
  • James Morris-King Just shows that the same bad arguments are attractive to everyone regardless of ideology.
  • Gregory Mcmanis Robert Currie not necessarily- there is a theory that it’s a crew, which helps explain how so many pieces can appear in a city at once.
  • Wells Tao regardless if they are a crew or an individual they do not differentiate their economy visibly from the default of capitalism, making them complicit with the perpetuation of it.
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  • Cheyne Taylor Bush Capitalists (or, the bourgeoisie) have control of some aspect of means of production, Banksy, like most artists, definitely does not
  • Dean Grumplin Can we get rid of this egotistical moron?
  • Michael Goozee Oh no hes serious 🤦‍♂️
  • João Pedro Boechat you should leave facebook then?
  • Jacob Springer Are you gonna start talking about duality like you just discovered the concept today for all of humanity, just like every other art major? Cause jerking off in public is frowned upon without explicit consent, or at least a warning.
    • Wells Tao Alice Rose
      Alice Rose Capital is a big word?! It's a noun, verb, what point does our interaction with it become heinous co-conspirator?

      · Reply · 2d

      Wells Tao
      Wells Tao you can choose your own economy, but it needs to (among other things) visibly differentiate itself from the default of capitalism, which does not advertise itself.

      · Reply · 1d

      Alice Rose
      Alice Rose So selling your art is a form of prostitution? How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive? If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist. I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?

      · Reply · 25m

      Wells Tao
      Wells Tao "How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive?" - I'm finding it difficult. How are you?

      · Reply · 4m

      Wells Tao
      Wells Tao "If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist." - from what I understand, it's not

      · Reply · 3m

      Wells Tao
      Wells Tao "I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. " - I hear ya, however that doesn't shift your bottom line, how you survive financially, so your 'art' has no effect on the fact that you are a wage slave that perpetuates capitalism by not being something else. Or your a full blown Capitalist, Owner boss, bourgeois, Petite bourgeois, etc etc.

      · Reply · 1m

      Wells Tao
      Wells Tao "Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?" - Boom. Yes
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  • Fraser Purser yeah you're right people should just stop being a part of capitalism, its not like artists work on gig economies and literally will starve to death if they stop working, almost how most working class people need to work and partake in capitalism to survive. Wow what traitors
    • Wells Tao suks eh, Poor people are rich peoples art.
  • Fraser Purser I've been staring at this for like ten minutes and I still have no fuckin clue what you mean by this dude
  • Jacob Springer Fraser Purser he definitely means fuck all by it, that would necessitate coherent thoughts.
  • Wells Tao Alice Rose
    Alice Rose Capital is a big word?! It's a noun, verb, what point does our interaction with it become heinous co-conspirator?

    · Reply · 2d

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao you can choose your own economy, but it needs to (among other things) visibly differentiate itself from the default of capitalism, which does not advertise itself.

    · Reply · 1d

    Alice Rose
    Alice Rose So selling your art is a form of prostitution? How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive? If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist. I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?

    · Reply · 25m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive?" - I'm finding it difficult. How are you?

    · Reply · 4m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist." - from what I understand, it's not

    · Reply · 3m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. " - I hear ya, however that doesn't shift your bottom line, how you survive financially, so your 'art' has no effect on the fact that you are a wage slave that perpetuates capitalism by not being something else. Or your a full blown Capitalist, Owner boss, bourgeois, Petite bourgeois, etc etc.

    · Reply · 1m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?" - Boom. Yes
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  • Aaron Curmi This is so rich I couldn’t possibly take another bite... oh wait, yes I can! Dragged HARD 😂
  • Adison Buchholz What means of production does banksy own?
    • Fraser Danger Strong his paints, I guess? but those would be more like personal property rather than private
  • Wells Tao Alice Rose
    Alice Rose Capital is a big word?! It's a noun, verb, what point does our interaction with it become heinous co-conspirator?

    · Reply · 2d

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao you can choose your own economy, but it needs to (among other things) visibly differentiate itself from the default of capitalism, which does not advertise itself.

    · Reply · 1d

    Alice Rose
    Alice Rose So selling your art is a form of prostitution? How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive? If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist. I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?

    · Reply · 25m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive?" - I'm finding it difficult. How are you?

    · Reply · 4m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist." - from what I understand, it's not

    · Reply · 3m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. " - I hear ya, however that doesn't shift your bottom line, how you survive financially, so your 'art' has no effect on the fact that you are a wage slave that perpetuates capitalism by not being something else. Or your a full blown Capitalist, Owner boss, bourgeois, Petite bourgeois, etc etc.

    · Reply · 1m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?" - Boom. Yes
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  • Wells Tao ha ha ha, this is too easy. You all enjoy eating yourselves
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  • Wells Tao I'm drawing a line. All those perpetuating capitalism on one side. Those practicing a socialist economy, visibly to the public, on the other. As a Public Welfare Artist, for now, some of you will understand where I stand. bon appétit
  • Wells Tao Fraser Danger Strong there are a lot of ideas out there bud, perhaps you have one. It's a developing category.
  • Jacob Springer Wells Tao if a non contradictory idea greeted you with a handshake, you'd prolly call it a capitalist.
  • Aaron Curmi Perhaps you could offer us another masturbatory self-quote to further your point?
  • Jacob Springer Aaron Curmi oh fuck, don't tempt him my dude 😂
  • Nora White Thank you for finally giving me the opportunity to post this meme. Mom said it was my turn HOURS ago
  • Wells Tao Aaron Curmi I cum on you: Alice Rose
    Alice Rose Capital is a big word?! It's a noun, verb, what point does our interaction with it become heinous co-conspirator?

    · Reply · 2d

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao you can choose your own economy, but it needs to (among other things) visibly differentiate itself from the default of capitalism, which does not advertise itself.

    · Reply · 1d

    Alice Rose
    Alice Rose So selling your art is a form of prostitution? How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive? If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist. I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?

    · Reply · 25m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive?" - I'm finding it difficult. How are you?

    · Reply · 4m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist." - from what I understand, it's not

    · Reply · 3m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. " - I hear ya, however that doesn't shift your bottom line, how you survive financially, so your 'art' has no effect on the fact that you are a wage slave that perpetuates capitalism by not being something else. Or your a full blown Capitalist, Owner boss, bourgeois, Petite bourgeois, etc etc.

    · Reply · 1m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?" - Boom. Yes
  • Wells Tao Are you guys new to facebook or wot?
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  • Jacob Springer On top of everything, you're art is talentless and could be mistaken for clip art. In fact im pretty damn certain its just appropriated clip art with text pasted over top.
  • Wells Tao to compete try being effortless and endless
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  • Wells Tao hey so this just happened, Kind of a synopsis (look it up) of the above:

    Alice Rose
    Alice Rose Capital is a big word?! It's a noun, verb, what point does our interaction with it become heinous co-conspirator?

    · Reply · 2d

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao you can choose your own economy, but it needs to (among other things) visibly differentiate itself from the default of capitalism, which does not advertise itself.

    · Reply · 1d

    Alice Rose
    Alice Rose So selling your art is a form of prostitution? How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive? If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist. I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?

    · Reply · 25m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "How do you choose your own economy when the system is so pervasive?" - I'm finding it difficult. How are you?

    · Reply · 4m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "If the definition of Capitalism is any form of profiteering monetry-exchange then everyone is a capitalist." - from what I understand, it's not

    · Reply · 3m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "I call myself an artist because I manipulate 'material', i am not an artist because I make money from my art, but I sell my art to live. " - I hear ya, however that doesn't shift your bottom line, how you survive financially, so your 'art' has no effect on the fact that you are a wage slave that perpetuates capitalism by not being something else. Or your a full blown Capitalist, Owner boss, bourgeois, Petite bourgeois, etc etc.

    · Reply · 1m

    Wells Tao
    Wells Tao "Therefore I am a (part of the) capitalist trick by intention and default, even though I am visibly different from the image of a (corporate) capitalist..which does not advertise itself?" - Boom. Yes

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