Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Thursday, December 23, 2021

"Drums up Yeezy's piano homage, 'Here's one for the douche bags' on you tube. Writes a caption on his post to Facebook. This song goes out to all the Artists out there, unemployed, Dad's and Mum's on welfare that don't get asked "How was work? Are you having a break?" Don't get the social kick back for being a productive member of Society. Get left out cold in shit alley of Capitalism, taking out and drop kicking Democratic Government Departmental Policy.


"Drums up Yeezy's piano homage, 'Here's one for the douche bags' on you tube. Writes a caption on his post to Facebook. This song goes out to all the Artists out there, unemployed, Dad's and Mum's on welfare that don't get asked "How was work? Are you having a break?" Don't get the social kick back for being a productive member of Society. Get left out cold in shit alley of Capitalism, taking out and drop kicking Democratic Government Departmental Policy. To the little looks away, when the office party is brought up, the ones we don't have, I'm sorry you are embarrassed, that it is awkward. I'm an artist and really it's one of the benefits of being your own boss, not attending slave hang outs. Wage slaves, slapping themselves on the back, while real free people are treated, well what is it? Let's list it. Invisible, worthless, scum, stupid, drain, selfish, delusional, juvenile, contaminated, unclean. Socialists, living and breathing freedom from Capitalist values, Democratic as in voted for by us the people who give our money and our stable society to a collective, elected representation, that asked for Welfare. We beneficiaries are the real creators of what this looks like, and our image is not determined by us, but by capitalists. To be fed on by vampire Banks that can only see us as resources, to be infinitely drained. A true fight, one where the earth, soil sun water and air are more real for one than the other. The other choosing ecocide to what? Depopulate the species? Regardless, gonna live in their tech world bubbles, perfecting the perpetuation of denial, take virtual drug trips have their own internal wastes recycled without getting out of a chair. Being a chair, no one exists to sit on. But a chair. What's your vision of the future, the one you are building. "

-excerpt from my short fiction I'm currently writing, called Dole Bludger.

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