Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Artists, not the ones In galleries - T. W


 Artists, not the ones in galleries, the ones you know in your life, are the ones trying to re establish a connection to the meaning of the words that have had their guts cut out and made to flog a dead horse
Capitalism your friend
bedside companion
all others suck
and threaten
you will never be lonely. You win. Every time.
Look around
you're winning.
Tower of babylon falling
grinding down
as babble fills the air
Artists, not the ones in galleries, the ones in your life, are trying to re connect the meaning of the words that have had their guts pulled out and made to flog a dead horse
Not me
I just wana work
be a job
gang tyrant

Sam Geary - I don't understand why the police don't immediately arrest them. These people clearly capable of working. Hope winz cancelling their welfare payments 101 Likes


Sam Geary
I don't understand why the police don't immediately arrest them. These people clearly capable of working. Hope winz cancelling their welfare payments
Activists lock themselves to tracks to block coal train lock themselves to tracks to block coal train
1 Comment


Mįkayłå Rėneę
the classism to think that every activist is a beneficiary, and the tone to assume that all beneficiaries aren’t capable of or don’t want to work......
You really need to reassess how you perceive people dude
34 Loves

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Will my chadbot go on earning his slavery to one day set his people free, into more debt, slavery, capitalism? Oh joy