Debt Racing
There are forms
and betting offices
with officers
horse and you strive to put a nose a foot in front
when you lost long ago
my debt my worth
capitalist societies investment in me
to play their game
What if
I refuse to honor the contract
due to nil and void clause if
exploitation is evident.
Clearly this is the case
I rest my case
we can all rest easy
on easy street
see it’s working
we settled
for it
for it
not even sure how to be against it
just feel against it
mad man tao says he’s got a cure for the itch of capitalism, relation ship democracy
might have a hear of what he’s to hear about
see what difference it makes
When Marx said that Communism haunts capitalism
it is also that capitalism if killed haunts communism.
So neither side be killed, but enabled to co-exist do business with each other
as competing systems, with different competing members and their publicly visible profit spending outcomes.
It was Democracy Economy that built the pavement, the roads schools sewers and hospitals. Laid the electricity lines that your house and internet is on. Built the power that is the electricity that you have on. Is the path of Tino rangatiratanga and the ratification of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the establishment of our own hierarchy of elite legal powers to play fuck with all the other fucks. Separate from the crown. Pākehā, everyone who arrived after Te Tiriti was signed, Tangata Whenua, people of New Zealand, New Zealanders Pākehā and Māori. Bi-cultural NZ. Indigenous and post colonial government policy.
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