Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Some poets poetic pose can be fake as, but not all of us get to be the father of Modern Poetry and Liberal self expression and be pure puss. Nice one Poetry tradition. Fake as Institutions of racist wind bags. Walt Whitman

  • Some poets poetic pose can be fake as, but not all of us get to be the father of Modern Poetry and Liberal self expression and be pure puss. Nice one Poetry tradition. Fake as Institutions of wind bags.
  • Replied to Political Pop Art
    Wells Tao The Poetic pose, fake as
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  • Greg Stingray It’s vicious, to be sure, only it’s simple to sit back and judge from the post moderns easy chair, also. Racist rhetoric aside, if his meaning was that the masses from Tsarist and other principalities with no solid notions of the Westminster system, and the purposefully undereducated African Americans recently released from slavery, should be given to vote only on the measure of what soap box orator of an Actor or the newspapers owned by those same who would put forth such a candidate, then he has described the same failing Plato noted in his treatise in the Republic and Democracy. Which is that, a handful of Facebook ads and a good dose of Fox News might easily turn the head of those not educated in the mysteries of Public Office? I’m assuming he would be watching the somewhat righteous gains of the Civil War squandered in the ensueing race to the bottom that would come to define the resegregation and disenfranchisement of those who fought for equality and liberty. The prose is ugly, the sentiment not much better, yet the reality that democracy is only as good as it’s educated voters is true, now and always. I’m not agreeing with that statement, be it by Whitman or no, I am saying that the threat of tyranny by the uneducated is and has always been democracies Achilles heel.

    • Wells Tao no no no, don't give me that post modern back door trap bullshit. Look, racism, capitalism these ideas aren't new friends, not recent discoveries. There have been conscious resistances public groups in opposition, particularly around the reassertion ofSee More
  • Greg Stingray Uhm, Whitman was a nurse aid in a Civil War hospital, kinda pre dates Ginsberg bro.
  • Wells Tao And this flying crap trap about the "uneducated". And "educated' man knows how to manipulate an 'uneducated' one, wealth. Case closed moron. News flash the 'uneducated' get it too! Really no shit.
  • Replied to Greg Stingray
    Wells Tao Greg Stingray dude, like really. Ginsber, allen I consider the true Voice of America, WHitman is like his distant racist father. Allen is like a son reborn.
  • Greg Stingray Well there’s no point to be had arguing with anyone who thinks the uneducated are equally capable of understanding something they don’t know about, I guess.
  • Replied to Greg Stingray
    Wells Tao FREE of that fake art poetic pose.
  • Replied to Greg Stingray
    Wells Tao FLy ALLEN, you'r king now
  • Replied to Greg Stingray
    Wells Tao Greg Stingray Then go blow it out somewhere else Stingray.
  • Replied to Greg Stingray
    Wells Tao I'm way more democratic than you
  • Greg Stingray Well, if my point, was that judging the past by the present, was not always the best way to understand it, then the conflation of Allen with Walt is a perfect example. Thanks.
  • Replied to Greg Stingray
    Political Pop Art Greg Stingray you understand that all you can ever have is judging the past by the present. Right?
  • Replied to Greg Stingray
    Political Pop Art And that the view needs real updating, otherwise people stop picking up the trash, right?
  • Greg Stingray Allen’s lovely Teutonic boyfriend once punched a friend of mine in the head at a dinner party for disagreeing with him ( Allen that is), you can have your hero, neither are mine.
  • Replied to Greg Stingray
    Political Pop Art Greg Stingray ah it comes out. YEs violence is deplorable.
  • Wells Tao Allen also had a terrible funeral. I'll never forgiven him for that.
  • Greg Stingray Actually, the novelists art is entirely based upon merging with character, to understand it. Poetry not so much. I would struggle to say, read Plato, who I mentioned above, if I could not comprehend the normalicy of slavery in his time. It doesn’t mean I agree with an author, to attempt to comprehend them. Try it sometime, or just abuse people, whatevs.
  • Replied to Greg Stingray
    Political Pop Art Yes Plato too was a real shit. You'r point? You placard waving reactionary!
  • Wells Tao this is so romantic, let's get a room
  • Greg Stingray Well, being a shot was the norm. I mean, suggesting the vote should be extended to anyone who didn’t own land/property was similarly redicuked in the not so distant past, it hardly means all those texts should be burnt?
  • Wells Tao dude, please
  • Wells Tao no one said anything like that
  • Wells Tao you've jumped the warm gun,
    • Reply
    • 4m
      • Greg Stingray If you replace Whitman’s comments about freed slaves with Hilary Clinton’s redneck ‘deplorables’ , you’ve the same recipe.... just sayin’.
      • Wells Tao This is just one quote. I've seen a few more
      • Wells Tao your' just ayin ' doesn't give me that flip of equality you must think it does. So redneck's been voting since forever.. freed slaves were still blocked from voting in the 1960's.
      • Wells Tao why are you arguing so poorly. you lonely?
      • Wells Tao shit i'm lonely, I'm like some artic dude who done go out side and freeze himself to death a artic layer of skin so that he don't even know he's frozen, he's just at one with his element
      • Alan Francais Stuart I'm a tory cabinet minister.and like most of my colleagues, I was expensively educated at Eton and Cambridge. And look at the smack up job of government we're doing.
      • Replied to Alan Francais Stuart
        Wells Tao yes that says it
      • Wells Tao On the walls of our art galleries we have the polished means of oppression singing its praise. A silk lining of a suit pocket cut and stretched forever in squares.

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