Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wells Tao Wells Tao and the narrative true or not, that the possum deal is a racket of the highest order, where MP's are openly profiting privately off a monopoly that they get the public to build and pay for, that the possums are farmed exactly like they would be in a field, only our native bush is used as the backdrop to absorb all this toxix shit that ol looky here they done discovered that there's some unknown effect that they hadn't anticipated, though of course it was, to render prime pieces of Public native bush, sitting on top of gold, gas and other things, to render this push a toxic waste land unfit for human contact, And thus the period of recovery hybernation of such wasted bush, is the same announced by the mining, gas and other resource with-drawers, saying that their, objected to, toxicity from their extraction processes on the environment, will also become 'neutral' again at the same time that the bush has been said will come right again. So no harm done, just trying to make the best of a bad situation. Might as well turn a profit. It's just natural. You know the way a Charity sets up just outside of poverty, next to it, like a vamperise lump sitting leaning against a sleeping vagrant sucking it death, selling capitalism, poor people eating themselves and not a word about socialism the living democratic economy that must redistribute the wealth generated by our mutual agreement for local peace, otherwise, greed and power as we can see shits in our food bowl. Regardless of what can be proved and what is argued other wise, it's a hell of a good story, and one I'm naturally keen to invest in. Put a horse in the race so to speak, like the rest of ya waka paddlers. - T. W

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