Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Tao Wells - This mornings manifesto. Poem

You know another significant element to the large Labour vote, is that for the first time in 40 years, those on Welfare, in New Zealand, had access to focused organization. Through just the internet, with several, maybe more, multiple pages with 30 thousand or more members, this was enough to organize me, organize us, to descent and participate in a system, that you have to remember is the same system that 
SYSTEMATICALLY is punishing us daily for existing. So to work with a system that already abuses our kindness, our vulnerability for capitalist appeasement, to engage with the massive work at all the levels of society that welfare recipients receive. From The National Orchestra and the Royal Ballet, to our out of work (free?) mum and dad's, teenagers and no hopers, hanging on by a thread. Is not just heroic bravery. It's past that. It is the expression of a desired right of inclusion.
It's not world war two? That's over right? We're past rationing and hating the poor. If we are, then let the Rich pour out their coppers immediately to us poor. For the war effort. Let's see it anyway. Tax Economy, Public Wealth holding up the whole world as Covid eats the capitalist leaves us all healthy Democrats. Chops Globe into segments. So hats off to the culture shift, ( ahem, yeah) here in NZ, I 'm incredibly proud to be a part of it
No you won't see us in your Public Art Galleries, or private ones, both being the same old capitalism and discrimination against us is real. It's a capitalist mantra of "Unworthy, unworthy, unworthy, unclean". It's a very old spell and I have the anti-dote. To engage with the hypnotised capitalist, potential democrat, I dare to exist and In everyway I do I win. Profit goes directly back to all those Democrats that support me. 
For Capitalists, every moment I exist is proof of ones fly in ones pudding. And I humbly relish the joy of being in this important Democratic movement. Incredible. To all Democratic Economy Warriors, Nurses, Teachers, Fire Fighters, Police, DOC, WINZ, and the rest, so many many more. We should All know this list, have a poster of it on the wall. To all of us, Public Democratic Welfare Artists, where the art of Freedom is practiced and preached.
Socialism Lives.
Whatungarongaro te tangatat toitū te whenua
Tao 'Bene' Wells

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