Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Monday, October 31, 2022

" I look at economic analysis in the media, to be honest that is not analysis, that is an entertainment product. If you are not taking these guys and rewarding them for being right and punishing them for being wrong, then they are not analyzing they are fucking dancing" - Gary Stevenson - The Plan Is To Make You Permanently Poorer | Aaron Meets Gary Stevenson

"If the government gives you 50 quid and the rich 50k, you will have more money and less food, less energy, less housing, less healthcare, because money is the asset we use to determine the distribution of real assets. Money does not make people rich, money determines distribution, you can have as much money as you want but if it doesn't buy you housing, if it doesn't buy you food, it doesn't matter."- G.S

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