Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Not just traitor like, traitorliscious.

In this video I'm pretty sure if you look carefully enough, you can see John Key or something like him, election and re-election plan laid our it some detail, and National's far right unquestioned association, the way the party itself has not publicly tried at all to distance itself in fact, appearing to use such ignorance and fear to bottom feed the afraid and ignorant wacky shit. And sure I can understand the need to accept wacky shit, but people we are no where near far out enough to even be considering engaging in this low fi white pedofile, excuse me that is low but this is low, let it be seen I can bare knuckle fight when I need to. But this is low, in some contrast to the high standards we have fought and defended against, you secret agent capitalist.Each and everyone of us in denial that we are working for the secret service, the one servicing johnsons in Washington. And hell yes I'm desperate, like a cat petted backwards, I'm itching all over to get out of this scene, like I'm being infected with some sticky logic that's simple sensationalism, wins every time, cause liberal democracy thinks under capitalism they have to bat for the losers team, so as not to hurt their feelings. Democracy forced to not promote itself, having to go underground with a ad agency called "Creative New Zealand", but lost ALL of it's top staff with Universities deciding to play both sides, get paid by the government job, and then sell privately for a bribe dollar, from the capitalists. NOt just traitor like, traitorliscious. Nice.

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