Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Saturday, May 16, 2020


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  • Lisa Wilkins-Pirika Wells Tao my work is not motivated by saleabilty
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  • Lisa Wilkins-Pirika Wells Tao ..I'm on the sickness benefit.. and I have learned to live on almost nothing. Given away all but sentimental and crucial possessions, so I can spend my time on things that feel healthy and fulfilling 😁
  • Wells Tao Welfare is not capitalist. You are not a capitalist artist
  • Wells Tao But your economy's invisibility is a problem.
  • Lisa Wilkins-Pirika Wells Tao I dont know what that means?
  • Wells Tao it means that because welfare is not widely understood as not capitalist it is seen as part of capitalism and not part of a democratic economy that is the opposite of capitalism
  • Lisa Wilkins-Pirika Wells Tao .. my benefit comes as a result of childhood physical trauma due to the effects of colonization. I see my benefit as a right, that excludes me from an imposed system that is not natural to my DNA. It's not a lot of money.. but enough to live in a contemporary tribal way. I trade and help people.. and recieve all that I need 😁
  • Wells Tao Lisa Wilkins-Pirika beautiful. I 'd like to see that kind of idea publicly promoted and supported as the step forward that it is.
  • Lisa Wilkins-Pirika Wells Tao .. it's taken a lot of experimenting to find my right life balance.. but at 50, I'm finally blissfully happy like this. I have thought about having an exhibition and soon maybe get enough money for a tiny house as security for my retirement. That's the only material ambition I have .. but I'm not too driven by it. I'm rather, trying to attract that opportunity into my reality. I'd love to promote my life philosophy 😁
  • Wells Tao awesome
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  • Billy Bill Smith Drew Hill Aka Billy Bill Smith, Represent. "Fuck The Corporation, its killing generations"..
    • Wells Tao yeah but what are you suppose to go about it eh?
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  • Billy Bill Smith I am poor Artist, that wants to share
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  • Billy Bill Smith Struggling Artist, , Street photography, political statements. I don't care if my work sells. I just share what i see is fucked up in the world. Like you ... My bro went to Art School together. Remember my scooter that we would double on and go skate that crazy nipple skate park..
  • Martin Rumsby Wells Tao I know, a more serious definition of my practice. I live in a post-colonial socialist country where I produce non-commodifiable art which serves some community purpose. I gift my work to the community and hope that I may be paid in kind by my peers.
  • Wells Tao you'r still a capitalist bro. i remember art school being shit on representing the class's complaint to the head of the school. then being given a F and kicked out of school. You remember that? You were in my class.

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